Ecodrum 100 stainless steel drum filter

R101,852.00 Excl. VAT

The new Ecodrum 100 stainless steel drum filter is equipped with a high pressure mechanical seal and the static water level is at 400mm. Maximum Power Consumption is 700 Watts on Back-wash cycle only and Voltage is 220-240 Volts AC/50Hz. A UV light is now included.

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A UV light is now included.

The new filters are equipped with a high pressure mechanical seal and the static water level is at
400mm. It can’t leak out and the seals will have a life span of at least 10 years. As water flows
through the lower drum’s half, the screen transport the captured solids to the backwash spray area for
an intermittent and automatic self-cleaning process.

Small power consumption: 400 watts only on backwash. The drum is turned by a heavy duty AC motor and a lubricated gearbox with a chain as the final drive to the drum. The Drum speed is standard at approximately 3 revolutions per minute, however the time can be adjusted as required for shorter and longer backwash periods as required by the end user. Head loss is around 300mm if pumped through the filter and will offer maximum flow rate for industrial filtration on Koi or Tilapia. Ideally, the water supply will be performed by gravity to avoid particles fragmentation resulting from water pumping through the pump’s impeller.

Drum filter maintenance is very low; the screen replacement is the only major concern other than the transmission and both only takes a few minutes. There is nothing to lubricate. All Rotary Drum Filters are supplied completely equipped with control unit, jet-pump as well as the rotational gearbox and drive motor combination. The entire filter operates on 220 volts electricity and use less than 250 watts when fully operational during the backwash cycle.

The control unit provides the following:
1. The set time for cleaning the screen from 0 – 30 seconds.
2. The duration of the time itself, time is fully adjustable for customers own use.
3. Wash times are controlled by water levels, screen size and flow rates.
4. The control unit will terminate the rinsing process as soon as the integrated system detects the
required water level.

Additional information

Weight 180 kg
Dimensions 125 × 85 × 91 cm

1. Built in UV Light 30 or 55W
2. Micro Screen size: 40 – 90 micron
3. Screen Material: 316 Stainless Steel
4. Max. Screen Surface Area: 2036 square meters
5. Drum Material: 304 Stainless Steel
6. Outside Box Material: 2mm 304 Stainless Steel.
7. Filter Flow Capacity when Pumped: 100 000 Liters per hour
8. Filter Flow Capacity when Gravity: Approximately 95 000 Liters per hour
9. Supply Pipe Size: 4 or 6 x 110mm pipes for pressure or gravity supply
10. Return Pipe Size: 4 or 6 x 110mm pipes gravity return only
11. Drain Fitting Size: 110mm
12. Voltage: 220-240 Volts AC/50Hz
13. Footprint Outside Size: H=910mm x L=1250mm x W=850mm
14. Maximum Power Consumption: 700 Watts on Back-wash cycle only
15. Auto top up optional
16. Weight: 175.5kg’s

Do Not’s:
1. Do not clean the spray nozzels when the Drum Filter is powered on as the High pressure pump can
switch on at any time.
2. Do not put your fingers close to the sprockets while the Drum Filter is switched on, make sure the
power is switched off when you want to inspect the chain and sprocket.
3. Do not adjust the flood switch/’s when the water level is not correct or when the service pumps are
switched off.
4. Do not set the cleaning time for less than 30 seconds.
5. Do not leave the Drum Filer switched on when doing general maintenance on the system/tanks as
you may affect the water level height inside the Drum Filter.
6. Never Allow the dirty water to flow through the Drum Filter when the Drum Filter is switched off.
The screen will clog and the Drum Filter will flood. If you need to do that open the blank-off plates
for the dirty water to flow freely through the Drum Filter.
7. Stay away with sharp objects from the screen as any damage on the screen means immediate
replacement of the screen as the Drum Filter will not function correctly with damage to the screen.